23 Avg - 30 Avg 2024 / Serbia, Croatia

Regional tour: « 20ème RUE OUEST » / Cie Les Nouveaux Ballets

20ème RUE OUEST, a 2023 production, combines puppetry, dance, and photography. Created and directed by Amélie Poirier in collaboration with photographer Lucie Pastureau, this show suits audiences aged 12 and older. Having been supported by Teatroskop in 2022, the company will present its new piece this year, drawing inspiration from the works of American female photographers from the 1960s to the 1980s, particularly Diane Arbus.

In this show, the concept of female heritage is central, referencing the famous photographs by Diane Arbus. She is known for her depictions of bodies marginalized by disability or their unique relationship to gender. The audience will engage with these extraordinary characters through a walking installation, becoming part of the show as they move through this artistic experience.

Exclusively featuring female artists, 20ème RUE OUEST utilizes light, image mechanization, and photographic textile techniques to showcase the works of Lucie Pastureau. This unique performance establishes a connection between generations of women photographers and contemplates contemporary representation and self-representation.

About Amélie Poirier:

Amélie Poirier studied contemporary dance and drama. She holds a Master’s degree in Puppeteer Training and has participated in international projects. Since 2012, she has received several grants for emerging and research artists from the DRAC Hauts-de-France and was a finalist in the Danse élargie competition in 2012. Currently, she co-directs the Cie Synthèse Additive in Montreal and is an associate artist at several theatres in France.

This program is being supported through the Teatroskop 2024 call for projects.



On August 23, 2024, as part of the 30th edition of the Festival of Ecological Theatre for Children and Youth in Bačka Palanka, Serbia

On August 25, 2024, as part of the Osijek Summer of Culture Festival in Croatia

On August 30, 2024, as part of the Street Musicians Festival in Novi Sad, Serbia